Deliveries and Freight

Deliveries and Freight

How much is shipping?

Shipping costs vary depending on the product, weight and location of the delivery address. At checkout, before completing the purchase, the shipping cost is visible.

What is the delivery time?

Delivery times vary depending on the destination and the type of shipping chosen at the time of purchase. This period starts to count from the business day following confirmation of payment (PIX, bank clearing or purchase authorization by the credit card administrator).

What types of shipping are available?

SEDEX: Higher price and faster delivery time for other locations outside São Paulo capital and region. Check at checkout.

PAC: Shipping costs are cheaper, but your order will take longer to be delivered. Check the delivery time at checkout.

Why is my order delivery delayed?
Some products are exceptions and do not have express delivery, so it is not possible to choose this option when finalizing the order. Check at the time of checkout.

Strike at the Post Office or other means of transportation without prior notice. In the event of a strike by the Post Office, delivery times may be affected. You can contact our Customer Service: or (51) 999921101.

Unsuccessful delivery attempts due to the customer's absence, incomplete/incorrect registered address or change of address.

Custom orders take 15 to 20 days to produce and are subject to delays. Variables identified by our Quality Department may also change delivery times. Any changes are always reported through our Customer Service.