Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the following definitions apply: Cookies: Files sent by the Portal server to the Visitors' computer, with the purpose of identifying the computer and obtaining access data, such as pages browsed or links clicked, allowing, in this way, personalize Visitors' navigation on the Portal, according to their profile. Ryzí: Name used in this document to identify the controller and owner of this Portal, Ryzí Indústria e Comércio Ltda, registered under CNPJ nº 43.893.850/0001-79, with headquarters in the city of SÃO PAULO/SP, Rua da Consolação - Cerqueira César /SP

IP: Abbreviation for Internet Protocol. It is a set of numbers that identifies Visitors' computers on the Internet.

Logs: Records of Visitor activities carried out on the Portal. Portal: Designates the electronic address and its subdomains. Visitor: Anyone who browses the Portal. User: Visitors who are authenticated in the Portal system. Web beacons: Lines of programming in HTML pages that aim to obtain details of the user's navigation, such as how long the website was open, which address was visited next, among others.


2.1 - Data and information will be obtained when Visitors interact with the various functionalities on the Portal, providing information voluntarily, as in the “Customer Center” section, for example.


3.2 - All data and information collected from Visitors will be incorporated into the Portal's database, with Ryzí being responsible. 3.2 - The data and information collected will be stored in a secure environment, observing the available state of the art, and may only be accessed by qualified people authorized by Ryzí. 3.3 - Considering that no security system is absolutely safe, Ryzí is exempt from any responsibility for possible damages and/or losses resulting from failures, viruses or invasions of the Portal's database, except in cases of intent or guilt. 3.4 - Ryzí collects only the information essential to the viability of its business.


4.1 - The data and information collected from Visitors may be used for the following purposes: a) Respond to any doubts and requests from Visitors; b) Compliance with legal or judicial order; c) Establish, defend or regularly exercise rights in a judicial or administrative context; d) Prepare general statistics to identify the profile of Visitors and develop Ryzí campaigns, but without carrying out personal identification; e) Ensure the safety of Visitors; f) Keep Visitor records updated for contact purposes by telephone, email, SMS, direct mail or other means of communication; g) Inform about news, promotions and events from Ryzí and its commercial partners. 4.2 - The database collected by the Ryzí Portal will not be shared, sold, assigned, transferred, communicated or rented to third parties. 4.3 - The acquired data can only be accessed by professionals duly authorized by Ryzí, respecting the needs to which they will be submitted, the relevance to the objectives of the Portal and the interests of users, in addition to preserving users' privacy. 4.4 - If the User stops using the services offered by the Portal, Ryzí may, for the purposes of auditing and preserving rights, maintain the record of their data and information, for a maximum period of 5 (five) years, with the faculty to permanently delete them at your convenience.


5.1 - Ryzí will record all activities carried out by Visitors on the Portal, through logs, including: a) IP Address of Visitors; b) Actions carried out by Visitors on the Portal; c) Pages accessed by Visitors; d) Dates and times of each action and access to each page of the Portal; e) Visitor Session ID. 5.2 - The records mentioned in item 5.1 may be used by Ryzí in cases of fraud investigation or undue changes to its systems and records.


6.1 - The Portal may use cookies, and Visitors are responsible for configuring their Internet browser if they wish to block them. In this case, some features of the Portal may be limited. 6.2. Also, the Portal may use web beacons to collect behavioral data from page visitors, where the installation of files on visitors' equipment is not necessary. 6.3. Other technologies may be used to obtain browsing data by the user, however, they will always respect the terms of this policy and the user's options regarding their collection and storage.


7.1 - The provisions contained in this Privacy Policy may be updated or modified at any time, and Visitors are responsible for checking it whenever they access the Portal. 7.2 - Visitors should contact us if they have any questions regarding the provisions contained in this Privacy Policy through the “Customer Center” Section. 7.3 - When placing information in a public area of ​​the Ryzí Portal, the user is aware that they will be available to other Visitors and Users of the website. 7.4 - Ryzí cannot control what Visitors and Users do with the information published on the website. Remember that any information disclosed in these areas may become public information and that, therefore, caution and common sense are important when publishing any content.


8.1 - This Privacy Policy will be interpreted in accordance with Brazilian legislation, in the Portuguese language, with the Forum of the District of Novo Hamburgo in the state of Rio Grande do Sul being elected to resolve any dispute, issue or doubt arising, with express waiver of any other , no matter how privileged he is.

As a result of compliance measures with the General Data Protection Law, we need to ask: do you want to receive/continue receiving our newsletters regularly via WhatsApp broadcast list or email marketing? To ensure the spontaneity of your consent, we ask that, IF YOU NO LONGER WANT to receive them, send an email to adm with the following description: “I no longer wish to have access to Ryzí company information.

If you wish to continue receiving payment - which we are very proud of - there is no need to do anything. Thank you very much in advance for your company so far!

If the Data Subject wishes to exercise their right to consultation or clarification, please contact our person in charge [DPO], through the channels below:

Person in Charge [DPO] -


Telephone: (51) 9992-1101


In order to preserve your privacy, Ryzí will not share your personal data with any unauthorized third party. You have the right to privacy in accordance with applicable Brazilian law, including:

Right to knowledge: you have the right to confirmation of the existence of processing of personal data that we collect about you and for what purpose.

Right of access: You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold and to obtain a copy of that personal information.

Right to rectification: you have the right to request correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data.

Right to object: you can object to the processing of your personal data, where applicable, and revoke your consent to process or grant access to your personal data.

Right to portability: You can receive your personal information in a structured format and have that information transmitted to another organization in certain circumstances.

Right to erasure: You may request the deletion of your personal information that we have collected from you, provided that this is not contrary to any legal or regulatory obligation.

Right to be free from discrimination: Ryzí will not discriminate against you for any information or for exercising your privacy rights.


If you have any questions about the type of personal information we may hold about you or if you wish to request the deletion or amendment of personal information or exercise any other privacy rights as set out in Law, please contact us:

Send a written request to our data manager [DPO], via email: adm

We emphasize that your request will be met in accordance with applicable legislation, so that you may allow or require the maintenance of data in certain circumstances.


 We are always looking to improve our services and the way we serve. Therefore, this Privacy Policy may undergo updates to reflect improvements made.

Please note that any changes will come into effect as soon as they are published on our website.

Therefore, we recommend that you periodically visit our website, in the privacy policy field, so that you are aware of any changes made.